Hyun Mi Lee is currently exploring a new theme `The Signature of all things – Botanist Me` which is a continuation of her interests in the mythical quality of nature that surrounds her. Jacob Böhme ,a German Philosopher and theologian wrote in his book `Signature Rerum` states : Wherein the spirit without knowledge is dumb; but if the spirit opens to him the signature , then he understands the speech of another; and further, he understand how the spirit has manifested and revealed itself.
The meditative Landscape series is extended into a new series of works where Lee´s fascination with the flora and fauna continues. Lee is interested in the idea that each flower, leaf, seed, fruit or tree is designed with a hidden code(signature) that can be discovered, and this discovery enables her to understand the essence and beauty of nature. Lee wants to share this understanding with the viewer through her artworks. There is no set meanings or asthetic justification in viewing her works and everybody can bring or imply his or her own interpretations.